Mondays 7:30-8:30 am (schedule may change, check back before class)
Slow Flow Align
with Ivy
Class Description
A 60 min yoga practice good for the mind, body & spirit at any age. This gentle flow class is suitable for anyone enjoying a slower paced, alignment focused & relaxed practice. Using the breath as a guide we will stretch and lengthen the muscles, lubricate the joints, nourish the organs & tissues, practice balance & explore alignment while creating peace & harmony in our lives. All levels welcome.
Class Links for
November 25: Join Here
Wednesdays - 3 Weds of every month -- November 6, 13 and 20
7-7:25 am Meditation
7:30-8:30 am Vinyasa
8:30-9:30 am Yoga Basics
with Mary
Class Descriptions
7 am Guided Meditation with theme, poem or teaching. You are welcome to participate sitting or lying down.
7.30-8.25 am Active Vinyasa to help you get up and go! A lively flow of sun salutes and standing poses with warm up and cool down.
8.30-9.30am Basics - A simple class touching into all the bases and designed for those who want a slower pace and modifications. Suitable for all, beginners included. Join the class after 8.25am.
Class Link November 6, 13 and 20 (arrive at the class time, not early): Join Here Meeting ID: 834 7627 5578 Passcode: 153982
Please say hello with your name and that you're from IAY in the chat.
Wednesdays 7-8:30 pm Therapeutic Yoga
with Teri Class descriptionThis class is a healing, physically slower approach to yoga. The starting point is what is comfortably possible for the practitioner. Postures are modified using props and are tailored to individual needs and physical capabilities. The level of difficulty and intensity is attuned to the individuals in each class and refined constantly throughout the practice. This evening class focuses on releasing stress and tension from the day.
Class Link: